Sunday, December 18, 2011

Unknown: Chapter 4

I woke up suddenly, the pillow I was laying in was soaked from my tears. I got myself up and headed to the bathroom to make myself presentable. I was to go out now, i wanted to buy something. Not something amazing or worth a lot, but a companion.I fixed my hair and grabbed a hooded jacket. I was out the door, the first in weeks I have actually left to get something. The town still looked the same. Small wooden stores, all in a line on the other side of the road from me. No one seemed to really notice me, which was good. I walks and walked among the stores until I came to a sign that read "Pets". I was excited to see it was still there. I remember my first pet I got from here. It was a golden lab puppy. It was so small and had the softest fur ever. Until it died a year before my mom did. This time i wanted a different dog. I walked into the store, where I didn't see a sales clerk, so I wondered around the store for a while, admiring all the beautiful animals. The birds of many radiant colors, and the cats all purring with excitement I was there. Then I came to some dogs. I was petting the small puppies when a laddie came out.
"Oh aren't those puppies adorable? So many people are already just waiting for them to grow older to buy. Its a shame the other older dogs don't really get bought." the lady said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"All the people want cute little puppies, but when they grow up, they get tired
of them. And they come back here in the back." she said"
"Well, may i see the older dogs" I said.
"Oh yes! Come with me" he said.
As we walks back, you could hear the dogs barking and growling when she walked back, but when they saw me they got happy. Maybe all hoping id take them home. There was only 5 I saw, I really wish I could take them all home with me. They were in small cages and didn't have room to run and play like they would in my house. I had a feeling I wasn't going to come home with just one of the dogs.I looked to the dogs, they all seemed to be nice and clean. "Do they all get along?" I asked.
"Indeed they do! They are let out in the back fence ever day in the morning and all play nice. Except this one here, Max. He always stays in his cage and never leaves. Poor thing was in the Martins fire a while back. He was abandon cause the family thought he was dead when they moved away." she said.
"I have a question, now I have a big house up the road and I can fit all these dogs in my house. Id just like for them to roam free, and play. Id very much like to take them all in, if I may.." I said.
"Why my goodness! Your a fine young lady for doing that. Of coarse you can! But what house do you live at? I don't see you much around here." he said.
"Well, i live on maple. The big blue and green house. Its the only one with a three door garage." I said.
"That one?? I though the family moved outta there after the mom died." she said.
"No, its just me there now." I said.
"Oh dear. I'm so sorry for your loss." she said while she moved in to hug me.
"Its okay, really. Now about these dogs, ill take all 5, if that's okay. How
much?" I said.
"Oh, that's certainly fine! Now for the lot, it'll be $150." she said.
"Perfect. Ill take them. Now would you be able to help me take them to my house and maybe actually point out some good dog foods i can stock up on?" I asked.
"Of coarse ill help with all that!" she said.
After that, I was pretty happy, I have enough dog food for a while, and I'm about to have a nice family of 6!
We loaded the cages into the back of her husbands pick up truck and were on our way to my house. I first closed off all the rooms down stairs and put a gate at the stairs so they wouldn't wonder off just yet. Only through the halls and kitchen of the downstairs.
We got all the cages inside and let the dogs out. But one at a time so I could meet each of them and see how they reacted with me. We let Sandy out first, which was a poodle looking dog, she is white and medium sized. Then next I let out Rex, a boxer. He seemed so tough, but he was a little scarey cat. He was a light brown color and because he was a mix with another kind of dog, he was big! Then next was Tinker, who is a small dog. White with some brown spots on his back. Then the last girl was Anne, she was a great Dane puppy, not to small but she was gonna grow to be HUGE. Then Max was last, he was a German shepherd. Max was supposed to be a police dog but he just wasn't cut out for it. That I'm glad about because right when i held him in my arms to give him a hug was amazing. It was like between us both, we connected with a single touch.
The lady from the pet place stayed and told me about taking care of all these dogs, but I knew I could do it. I still didn't want to seem rude, so I just listened.
After she left I felt like I was queen. All the dogs followed me everywhere. I fed them, and played with them all. Since my halls are so long and wide, I played fetch with them in the house.
I got tired when it was around 9, instead of going upstairs I decided to sleep on the couch with all the dogs. I started to drift off to a deep sleep with Max curled up on my tummy. This was the most comforting sleep Ive had in months.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Unknown: Chapter 3

Seeing Nate brought back so many memories. I used to have the biggest crush on  him. Though he never knew it. That moment I saw him through that peep hole there  was a familiar look about him. I couldn't place it but now i know. I actually know my crush again that Ive been crushing on since for 8 years!

I was so happy! It gave me inspiration to finally finish a book I wrote the month i was wanting to leave school and the only friend i had was him.

I sat in my computer room for hours, buy i didn't know it, I got lost writing and writing. Before I knew it, it was late and i needed sleep.

I was able to fall asleep fast. Not like other nights, laying awake, thinking how lonely and quiet my house is, but of how much this crush, this liking for this guy was back after years of almost forgetting. I had my best friend back!
The sun peaked through my hazel curtains and onto my face. That's always the best alarm clock for me. I layed there and starred at the ceiling. Then i got this surge o energy to get up and do stuff! So I decided that I would go for a swim. Yes a swim , my basement is an inside heated pool. Well most of it. The other side has a hot tub and a bar which we used to use for parties but not anymore.

The water was cool and warm at the same time. I had made coffee, to swim around with a hot mug of coffee is amazingly fun. Then once i was done. Id just relax on a raft. Then i heard a beep. It was the intercom saying the doorbell rang. So i got outta the pool, grabbed a towel and went upstairs. I got to the door and put on a quick dress to put over my wet swimming suit and answered the door.

I was more confident to answer this door since yesterdays social meeting with Nate.

I opened the door an there stood Nate with a big smile. "I thought maybe we could hang and catch up today!"

" Come on in" I said.

"Why are you all wet" he asked.

"Well actually there is way more to the house then you know. Here ill show you"

I was all ready to tell him all about the house. From the door the first door on the right was my computer room. Then the first door on the left was my library. Then you walk into the entrance way and you can see the living room of to the right and the dinning room to the left. I turned around and opened the basement door. He was so surprised I had a pool! Then we went to the kitchen. And past that to the right is the sitting room, which just has a lot of earthy colors and has a bunch of couches! Was all my moms design. And off from that room was the sun room. 
"Wow, this is an amazing house!" he said.

"Well you haven't even seen the upstairs. I love it up here"

We walked up the stairs and if you make a right off the stairs and its hallways on either side of the stairs and the right side had yet another computer room but this was for games! And then a music room, equipped with drums 7 guitars, piano, trumpet, and more. Then a star room when the ceiling is glass and can open up to look to the stars. Then on the left side hall way was rooms, guest room, which were all used as storage for old stuff. Then if you go straight back from the stairs there is an open hall way. Meaning looked like a room cause it has flowers and a couch with a radio beside it. There was 5 rooms back this way. Two to the right, two to the left, then one straight ahead. To the right rooms, the first room was just kinda really more kitchen area but smaller, just snack foods. Then the next room was my closet. The biggest closet filled with frilly girly girl stuff I never wear but when I have fun dressing up. Then to the left, the first room was my photography room. Or black room. Where I can and do develop photos. Then the next door goes with that room, it has all my cameras, there ti-pods and two computers. I loved this room. It has a great view of town and the woods. Where i can get good pictures from the windows. Then the last room of the house. Mine. I just said it was mine and we didn't go in, we went back to the stairs.

"So that's it all." I said.

"Wow, this is such a big house! I never knew you lived here" he said.

"Well no one really does, I mean i never leave here. But can you hold on. I wanna change out of these wet clothes and my suit. You can go into the music room or something." I said.

"I think ill do that!" he said.

I walked back into my closet. I put on jeans, and a lime green tank top.

I walked back out to find him. When I walked down the hallway I could hear him banging on the drums and singing. I walked in and he looked like a punk rocker.

"Oh hello again. All dry now! Now...whats this?" he pointed to the computer set up I had.

"Oh well that's actually like a recording studio where I sing and put effects to my voice to make it sound good with the music I write" I smiled.

"Wow. Writer, musician, singer! What cant you do!" he laughed.

"Well a lot, I cant play guitar but I'm teaching myself." I said. "Come on. Lets eat something!" I laughed.

We walked downstairs and he stopped at the stairwell and seemed lost looking at something. "Hey I saw a garage outside. And you never showed me whats in there." he said.

"Oh, wow. Well my baby is in there!!" I smiled. "Meaning my car, and more. See since i never new my dad, my mom had to learn to fix stuff and so did I. So its got tools in it and then some fun toys" I winked at him.

I opened the door, his jaw dropped and was speechless. He was looking at all the priceless cars I have.

"Even though i have all this, this house and cars and everything I doesn't make up for feeling so alone in the world. Like your the only one in miles, and your just alone. With no family, no friends, and no one to talk to." I started to tear up.

I couldn't take it anymore, but I held back my tears and sent Nate on his way home. He understood I wanted to be alone at that point.

I stood there in the middle of the hallway, looked up to the ceiling, and yelled. It was a loud scream of pain. The pain was loneliness. I felt even more alone since i sent Nate away.

I never really cried when my mom died. I mean I did when i found out and did at the funeral. Though I haven't really since, most people grieve for weeks on end. I guess i just made up for it by doing as much as humanly possible so i wouldn't think of her often. That's why I stay out of her room, by making it storage, and just staying away from her comfy sitting room. I cant hide of it forever, I know, but I just feel if I do long enough ill be able to get over it by the time I go into her room, ill find it to be mine and not hers anymore.

I needed someone to talk to, but before I figured that, i want a nap, a nap in my moms bed. I went upstairs, opened the door and there sat her quilted bed with the fluffiest pillows. I moved the boxes off it and covered myself up. It felt so warm and just like I was being hugged by my mom again. It was heaven I wanted to last forever. This is when it hit me. The tears just flowed from my eyes, I couldn't stop it, I didn't want to. I just miss her so much, but there is nothing I can do about it. I feel hopeless, lonely, and abandon.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Unknown: Chapter 2

I then officially awoke at 9. I'm usually up at 6 but Iwas very sleepy today.

I walked through the hallway, down the stairs to my kitchen. Its a big kitchen,
too big for one person but I loved it. I could make so many things at once. But this morning I kept it simple. Just coffee and some eggs. Well my special eggs I made for every special occasion. This day was to be special. I could feel it in all my bones.

There was a knock at the door. Now since my mom was such a worry wort about strangers, we never opened the door to people. Well since  I'm alone I had to, I lived under my rules these days. My house was a 17 year olds dream! Which was how old I was, and it was HUGE. I had everything I could ever want... Except my family to share it with...
I walked down another long hallway past some rooms, like the downstairs living room, dinning room, sitting room, and my library, then I got to the door. I peaked through the little peep hole to see who it was. Well it was a dark haired girl selling cookies and her brother was with her. I could hear her brother say "see no one lives her Lilly. So I opened the door. "Hello."

I could tell they were both surprised to see someone there in the doorway but it was true. I can really hide myself well in this house away from everyone else.

"Would you like to buy so cookies?" as the dark haired girl, Lilly.

"Yes! Why don't you come in while I go get my wallet." I said.

They walked in and followed me right into the other room. Which was my library, it was very big with many shelves from the floor to ceiling, all covered in books. I actually have to get small shelves to put in the center of the room to make all the books fit on a shelf.

"This is some library you have." the brother said.

"Ya!! Have you read all these books?" the little girl chimed in.

"Well actually I have read all of them. This wall over here is books of places, like Ireland and England. My mom always spent time there or reading about it so I did too. Then this wall is of my newest books I love of mysteries and Ive read them over 10 times each. Then this wall is just books that didn't fall into the other two shelves." I smiled. I loved how much I read. Even if other people think I'm weird, I like to expand my vocabulary.

"What about this wall?" the little girl asked. She was pointing to the wall on
the doorway. It wasn't my favorite to read but I have anyways.

"That is actually my most dislikes of reading" they both looked at my funny. "
there books I bought cause I had to read them for school!"

The little girl giggled. "That's how I am, I have all my books from school in a
shelf in my closet so i don't have to see them."

"Well what about that shelf over there?" the brother asked. He was pointing over
to my computer room. My second favorite room in the house.

"Well here come on ill show you." I said. We walked over, I was leading the way. As we entered they both said "wow". I guess they were saying that to my computer set up and not the books. I had two major printers and a closet full of blank printer paper. And 5 computers set up around the room. "Well ill tell you what I use these computers for. This one that's blue, its my main laptop I usually get in the morning and its with me all day, cause I love to work. Then this desktop is my work computer and I sit here and work for school. I take cyber school. Then this one is my book writer. I have 7 books I'm working on now. But three are here and two are on the next computer. So if the computer crashes then ill still have the other books. Then this last one is my editor computer. The most amazing electronic in our time." I laughed.

"Hows that?" they both asked at the same time.

"Well its like, the computer is on computer steroids. It has the biggest memory system ever. I made it so its like that. You see the black box under the desk. Well thats where all its memorie i made to it goes. This computer is my life. It has all my books i right on it. All edited and also on a back up saver. So if it crashes. They are all saved." I said.

" how many books have you written so far?" the brother asked.

"Well that something i don't know actually. This book shelf if full of books I wrote" I said.

They both were to speechless to talk. But then her brother spoke "Wait so how long have you been writing?"

In a way i thought he was just doing this to get my age. Or he was just truly asking about it. "Well I got my official first laptop when i was 14 and I kept writing books then. Most were never finished since I could never come up with a good ending till now. But i always wrote books in journals an notebook. So that was since i was about 10, and I'm 17." I saw him smile. That was the answer he was looking for. "So seven years. And more to come!" I laughed.

He was about to speak when his sister cut him off. "Wow! I wish i could read some of your books!" she said standing looking at the wall of books.

"Well actually if you'd like, I'm always here, come on over and you can read them
here if you'd like" I said.

I could see the happiness in her eyes. "Really!! You mean it?" she was practically jumping up and down.

"Yea! I'm always looking for company since I'm here alone" I said.

"Thank you!" she gave me a hug.

"Your here alone? Why?" her brother asked.

"Well I don't really like talking about it but my mom died a little while back and I got to keep staying here alone." I could feel the topic of my mom make me wanna cry. So I had to quickly change the subject. "But anyways, I was making breakfast. OH NO MY EGGS!" I ran outta that room down into the kitchen to get to the eggs I was making. Luckily, I had just turned in the stove with the pan on it and only the butter burnt.

They both walked into the room as I set the hot pan in the water.

"As I was saying, anyone want one of my special eggs?" I laughed.

"I do!" the little girl said.

"Oh i don't know. Id have to tell my mom and i don't have my cell phone on me" he said.

"Oh here" I reached onto the counter and picked up the house phone. "You can use this if you'd like."

"Oh well, okay ill call her" he walked outta the room and came back a few minutes later. "Okay, what kind of eggs are we talk about" he said as he sat down at the counter.

"YAAAY!!!" the little girl said.

"Well i can make dippy, scrambled, and then my special, egg in a nest. Which is bread with a hole cut in it with and egg in that hole. Not to special but is good." I said.

"I want scrambled." the girl said.

"Ill have your special" he said.

"Okay, how many eggs with the scrambled?" I asked.

"Ummm...." she looked to her brother. He held up two fingers. I smiled. "Two!"

"Two it is!" i said. "Well you know about me, now your turn to talk. Oh but one more thing, Im Sophie."

"I'm Lilly!! Im 10 and I love horses! I have a lot of books but not as much as you." She said.

"Oh well i never had a collection like this till this year." I said.

Her brother kept looking at me. Staring. Then he came out with it. "I used to know a girl named Sophie in elementary school. Used to be my best friend till 7th grade when she got picked on to much and had to leave...I never saw her again. Now this couldn't be you could it? Since your cyber schooled." he said.

"Well actually I guess that was me. I only had one friend and I couldn't take the hate anymore so i got home schooled. The reason i wrote those books was to get outta my real world to make a world I actually fit in with and was happy. Your name wouldn't be Nate would it?" I said.

"Yes it is. I cant believe after all these years i actually know you again." he smiled.

Well i already knew all about him so I didn't wanna ask, i just serves the food and we all talked and laughed but then they had to leave.

I was all alone again.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Unknown: Chapter 1

In this big world, i could be surrounded by a sea of people and feel so alone.
Why you ask? Cause I'm the complete opposite of popular. I'm an outcast. And this
is my story of how I strived to become known to people or at least someone.
Chapter 1

One early morning u awoke to the train going past my house. I'm very used to this noise by now, since Ive lived her for years, its a small quaint town really. I lived in a line of houses just outside of the town. Our towns population was less then a hundred. Small right? I lived up in the mountains. Far away from any other town. Everyone knows everybody, except me. I stay in my house and study
all day, I never leave, except when it is needed. I am home schooled. Well over the internet. My mom passed away a while back and she was the only person i had in my life. I'm home alone now, living off what she saved but soon, ill need to get a job.
A girl like me should be able to get a job. Not really in my town. Families own businesses and rarely hire outsiders. What will I do? Ive always imagined being a singer, model, or actress! But to be a singer, I needed a good voice, which I know i don't have. I don't really have actress material but Ive never tried before so who knows. And for being a model? Lets just say I'm not exactly model type. I'm forever in boys baggy clothes, and I'm always dirty. See I have a inside garden in our sun room. That's where I spend every waking moment. The sun room is all glass, you think people would see me but no. My sun room is in the back of the house and its in the woods. So I could be in the safeness of my house and be covered by woods. This was by far my favorite place to be.

The phone rang. I looked at my clock as I lye in bed. It was only 5 am. Who would call at a time like this. I slowly reached my hand out to pick up the phone.
"Hello" I said. You could hear the faint click of the other person hanging up the phone.
This was odd. Nobody knows I'm really here so why would anyone call. Well for now it seemed like nothing. So i fell back asleep.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Over Active Imagination

To awake to sleep
In the quiteness of my room
I feel like I can never fall asleep
I reach for my light
To switch it off
And then darkness
It feels to creep up and cover me up
Like somethings there
I quick turn the light back on
My over active mind
Sees what I wouldnt like

So I lay there
Think if I move one bit
The dark creature of the night will get me
All these images of this thing races through my mind
But as I imagine the creature
I am now sound asleep
Nothing can bother me now

Silly how this all turns out
Still the next night waits
Sitting there in the back of my mind
Waiting to pop back out
To awaken my over active imagination

By: Me :)