I woke up, head still hurting and the room was spinning. I just lied there
for a while and waited for it to stop. I had now gotten up to eat some food,
maybe that would help me.
I took a look at my phone. i couldn't believe it, i slept a day and a half
away!! I couldn't believe it, i stood there, staring at my phone in shock.
The suddenly there was a knock at the door. I slowly made my way to the
door. It was Nate.
As soon as he saw me he hugged me. "I was so worried!! You haven't been
answering your door for a while. Your dogs would bark but wouldn't come to the
door." He said. "I have some news for you.."
"Yea i was half passed out and half asleep. But whats the news?"
i asked.
moving...far way.." He said.
The rest of that was shared goodbyes and hugs. He was leaving that day in
an hour. When he left I was really hungry so i mad a huge meal for me. I bet my
dogs were so hungry too, so they got a big meal too.
I was sitting and finishing eating my food and i kept thinking of what
Nate said. I was thinking of heading back to public school for the next two
years. For him id man up and join school. How bad could it be?
I picked up the phone and called our high school. Then i said no, its about
time when school is out now ill go down there and talk to them in person. Its a
Friday now so Id have the weekend to get ready if they allow me to join.
I ran upstairs and along followed all my many dogs barking, not knowing
whats going on. I ran into my closet
with pj's on and came out with one of my many unique fashion statements on.
Some black leather boots, no heal, and light blue skinny jeans. Then just a AC
DC shirt on and grabbed my leather jacket.
"How do i look?" i asked my dogs who were all staring at me.
They all barked when i said that. I had my hair down, i didn't feel like putting
it up, because for once my hair actually looked good down!
"Come on!" i said to my pups as i headed down the stairs again.
I walked into the garage and closed the door behind me, i looked to the
cars and bikes i had. Well you can guess what i was going to take, i had my
leathers on! I was taking my blue bike!
I opened the garage door and pushed it out. Some of my neighbors looked at
me funny but i just laughed. I walked back in and grabbed my blue helmet and
closed the garage door. I hopped on my bike and i was off. The high school was
about 10 minutes away and its 2:20. I would get there just as the other people
are getting out. Hopefully none of them would recognize me. Though if they do
and try to start something, I'm not afraid of pounding there face into my knee.
Thinking that made me laugh. I was going pretty fast so i decided to take a
longer route. I loved this road, its turns were so much fun to go on a
I saw the school across the field. I was here, as i pulled into the parking
lot i saw kids just coming out. I parked my bike in an open parking space and
took a deep breath. There was some people giving me odd looks i just smiled.
Plus i still had my helmet on so they couldn't see my face. I hopped off my bike
and took my helmet off. I saw one guy i recognized from the younger years,
Austin, he had a pretty surprised look on his face when he saw it was a girl
driving this bike.
I walked towards the school with a grin on my face and my helmet in my
hands. I had no idea where i was going but I just walked into that school as
confident as i could. It was actually pretty easy to find the office, there was
a sign right outside of the office that read "OFFICE". I laughed,
and i was worried. I saw a kid that i really recognized but couldn't place the
name. He was someone that was a loner like me in middle school, though he was a
trouble maker. I really wish i remembered his name cause id love to say hey
again. He walked past the office, i thought by chance he would go into the
office and id get to hear his name at least once.
I was just about to open the door when someone came out. It was a student,
a football player. "Hey" he said with a wink and looked me up and
down. I pretty much ignored that and just went into to office.
"Hello miss" said the lady behind the desk. "May i help
"Yes, I'm looking to in-role to this school. Who would i see about
that?"I asked.
"Oh wonderful! Just take a seat and ill inform her that you want to do
that" she said.
I turned around and sat down in the really uncomfortable red chairs that
were there. I remember theses chairs. They had the same ones in middle school,
the only reason i remember these was because Austin hit me at lunch and i had
to come here and wait for my mom to come pick me up. Remember that made me want
to go back outside to the parking lot and get Austin back.
Then with a gush of air someone walked into the office. I looked up at the
person and it was him! The guy i couldn't remember his name! I really wish i
knew. Then right then the office lady said, "Hello Patrick, just sit
down, he will see you soon."
I let out a gasp, and he looked at me. Both him and the lady actually did.
I just sat quietly as he sat down one chair away from me. He had changed but i
still recognized his shaggy black hair and his tallness. He was the only guy
that i remember always being scared of cause i liked him that much, i had to
say hi.
"Um..." I started to say. He looked at me, like what do you want?
I just manned up and said it. "hey, do you remember from middle school a
girl named Sophie?" i asked.
His dark angry face changed to a slim smile. Then he really did smile.
"Yes i actually do, she was the only person i seriously liked in school to
talk to. But she was always to scared to talk to me. I cant believe she
"Well what if i said i know she is coming back?" i said.
"Id be happy but how do you know??" he asked.
"You see, I'm Sophie." I said.
He didn't have a smile anymore. It was more of a surprised face now. He got
up and i thought he was going to walk away, but he stood there looking down to
me and sorta made me stand up. As i did before i even looked up he hugged me.
"I cant believe its you!" he said. He wouldn't let me go, but it was
amazing to know i wasn't forgotten by someone.
We both sat down but he sat right next to me now. "You know that day you left i had something for you but then
you left before we had a class together that day." he said reaching into
his pocket. He pulled out a little card. "It might seem odd but do you remember in 6th grade when it was Christmas and you were the only one other
then the teachers that gave me a card?"
"Oh i remember that! It was a small card with a snow man with a heart
in his hands." i said. He opened the envelope and it was the card.
"You kept it??" i said.
"Of course, i always keep it in my pocket, i always did ever since you
gave it to me. You were always my best friend though we never talked" he said.
"Here read the inside. do you remember what it said?" he said.
"I think i do, it was on the lines of, To Patrick, Merry Christmas, I
hope you get what you want for Christmas, i know i did cause i got to see you
smile when i gave you this. :)." I said.
"Yeah. And Ive kept it ever since.." he was cut off by a lady
saying my name.
"Sophie" i stood up and walked into her office.
Well you don't need to know what all was said. Mainly i gave her information
on me and i was accepted. I start school Monday!
I was walking out of the school when Patrick ran into me and put some piece
of paper in my hand and went the opposite way. It read "Here is my number,
lets catch up more sometime." I smiled and open the door to walk outside.
There stood Austin still. I controlled my self and put my helmet on my head and
sat on my bike.
"Hey baby why don't you come over here" he said then looking to
his friends. I laughed and i wasn't gonna but he now has a beating for him.
I stood up and took my helmet off and sat in on my bike.
I still haven't even said a word. He walked over to me and put his arm
around me. "why don't i take you to my place babe cakes." He
"Hmm.." I smiled, Then he did, thinking he was gonna get some
from me. And he went to grab something on me and swung him down smashed his
head on my knee then brought his head back up and head butted him. As he lied
on the ground and everyone looked at me i said "Looks like you don't remember me, I'm Shitty Shy Sophie from middle school bitch." That was there
"creative" for me back then.
I just walked away not looking back, but i could see Patrick at his car
laughing. I think he remembered how much of a dick Austin was.
I just hopped on my bike and left Austin on the ground in pain and this
followers still in shock of what just happen.
As i got home and was in my house i screamed of happiness! I couldn't
believe what i just did!
Then i had to get my stuff ready for Monday! Though i need food and to
sleep. Today was a pretty amazing day. Now i need some sleep.
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